Thursday, March 26, 2009

2nd Nephi 30-33

I finished the book of 2nd Nephi today. I really rather enjoyed it. The Isaiah chapters are a little hard but I really like the final words of Nephi. Nephi calls for us to repent, be baptized and be reconciled unto God. We must press forward with a steadfast faith in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope. I love that. To have a brightness of hope. What does that even mean? I think I am looking forward to understand what hope really means. I have heard it explained many ways but I wonder how it will apply in my life and what it will come to mean. I am anxious to share what I believe to be my hope in Christ with the people in Thailand. I try to press forward despite Book of Mormon tests and pains that I feel in my life. I pray to continue to be able to share this hope with the people of Thailand. I know I mention this every night, but I really am so excited to go to Thailand. I can't wait to go and serve the people. I want to be a humble servant of God and testify to them of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob, from reading this I can tell that you are going to be a great missionary!!! I am so excited for you to be serving the Lord (especially in Asia!) I know you will LOVE it. Don't ever forget your desire to bring souls unto Christ--It is the most AMAZING feeling to help people learn of and accept the Gospel--and is the absolute best experience you will ever have. Take advantage of everyday to share your testimony. There are people waiting for you! Keep up the good work, and as they say in Taiwan, 加油!!! --Jill
