Monday, January 26, 2009

Samuel and Jacob- Helaman 11- 13

For my Book of Mormon class, we are required to keep a daily journal of our "supping" of the Book of Mormon for 30 minutes each and everyday. One reason that I started this blog was to force me to actually do my reading and write about it. So I have a few comments on these chapters.

The Book of Mormon is a master text on complex theological topics- the nature of the atonement of Christ, mercy and justice, the nature of God- but it also contains some seemingly simple lessons. In today's readings, I enjoyed the continual discussion of remembering God and shunning pride. Nephi preaches this and Samuel does too. They both proclaim that these people are not being true to their commitments to God as they set their hearts upon "slippery"- love the word choice-riches and look down upon their fellow men.

I love Samuel's testimony to the people. I love that story, in general though. What Mormon child doesn't aspire to be like Samuel? I think Samuel stands, along with Jacob of the Book of Jacob, as one of my favorite witnesses of Jesus Christ. These prophets tell people hard things but really try to do so for concern for the welfare of the souls. They seek for people to come to the Messiah, find true peace and comfort, in a loving and kind way. Of course there are cries of wickedness and abomination, but that's their style. I think these stories teach us how we must testify in our own way, working to bring people to the Holy One of Israel

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